Monday, May 12, 2008


Today we received this email from the man himself:

I am doing very well. I can walk a couple of blocks without assistance. I do not have any problems with motor skills. I can type and do almost everything that I could before the incident. It was a very scary time, but I am recovering well ahead of schedule. Thanks for your concern. Jim can communicate my condition. I would be delighted to hear from any of my old friends in racing!



Apparently, Bob was felled by the stroke just a few days after Long Beach, but only spent a brief time in hospital. You can email him at or write to:

404 Plover Court
Lincoln, Ca. 95648

Please keep him and his wife Vee in your thoughts! Anyone who had ever been to one of our Race Day briefings knows the care he put into our well being with his benedictions.

Speaking of LB, at some point I will get around to putting some thoughts down, as it was quite and experience to draw a sheet over what was once such a big part of our lives. The strange thing is that since the collapse (it wasn't a merger) I have NEVER had so much artwork to do! Between now and late July I have SEVEN full sized pieces to create! Just not enough hours in the day right now to get to everything. I promise it will be a thoughtful read...
