As I'm sure most of you already do, please be sure to have a look at Robin Miller's latest take on the car-driver lineups that are falling into place for this season.
I spent last weekend in Indianapolis working with Tony Cotman and the rest of our Race Control staff finalizing our Race Control lineup for the 2005 season, and reviewing rules changes and procedures. The rule book is about half the size it was last year. Everything is ready to go, and I will be able to fill you in a little more after a few official announcements are made by Champ Car.
As for Robin's info, it's very accurate, although I must say I now know a little more about some of the subjects of which he speaks than he does, and a little less about some others. When he says that "who will be driving what car" won't be known until the very last moment is quite true. Remember last year that Dale Coyne announced his driver lineup one half hour before the first practice session of the year!
There is a lot of internet buzz going on about the Tagliani/Rocketsports ride. This one will be handled, trust me. We will have at least 18 cars at Long Beach, if not more. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT panic!! Long Beach marshals, you'll have to get along without a spotter's guide this year. There will not be time to make one!
Keep Watching!