The 20th Running of the Toronto Molson Indy Poster

So now I can finally get around to a review of July's events, starting with Toronto. I'm happy and proud to say I have waved a flag (or directed some poor soul to wave a flag) at all 20 races, through thick and through thin.
Up above here is the poster art that was so lovingly commisioned by the good (and very perceptive) people of Molson Brewing, and they used it as the program cover, poster and even created some 500 or so limited edition lithos for in-house use. Using the Princes' Gates as an organizing element, the composition visits some of the notable architectural features of the CNE grounds as well as some of the more memorable moments and accomplishments in the history of the race (my favorite is still the first event, where CART official Big Bill Luchow held Bobby Rahal in the pits for a long pace car penalty - shown center left.) The winner's helmets from the first nineteen years are across the top.
Many have asked, and a website devoted exclusively to my stuff is still a month or so away, and this will be on it... but send me an email at swintal@cox.net if you are interested in a copy. All the original posters are gone from the event, but I can make very tasty prints to order on heavy watercolor stock. An 18x24 will be $100.
OK - enough pimping the artwork. I want to thank Peter Corley, Scott Muir and their fine crew of Marshals for another excellent weekend. Numbers were slightly up this year, and we needed them as the Champ car race was a pretty genteel affair until about halfway through and it became Smack-Em-Up City!!
I normally can cover up the places during the weekend when I get totally, totally lost during an event. It usually sounds like a looong silence where I buffalo y'all into thinking I'm in some deep conversation with the stewards... BUT NOT TODAY!! RC was in the Automotive Hall, and we fashioned a room with temporary office walls, with a very high ceiling that didn't bounce any internal sound. So we all know leader Tracy is on his way in, and two cars happen to belt the turn one exit wall at the same time, so I knew the timing of the full course yellow call had to be timed right, so I waited... and never heard Tony Cotman call it out. So the room and the first two corners are going ape-s&it, and I'm just sittin' there in a demi-glace until Asst. Starter Andy yells "Hey Jim! What the hell are we doin' here?" as he sees JD Wilbur with the double yellows out... So I bellow into race control, "Hey, are we full course yellow? " Wow, I never saw so many heads snap around so quickly. It may have been about a 15 sec delay, so mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Other than that, we all did great, the posts here really know how to work with each other and help one another out. For the first time, Race Director Tony Cotman had the time to come out and address the Sunday Briefing. And I thank you all again, and beseech all interested Toronto marshals to make a short trip down to Cleveland next year, to help us out again, as well as get one race under your belts before ol'home week 2006.