Sunday, February 03, 2008


I am relaying this to you all from Bryan Gregory, our new F&C Chief of Houston:

Greetings fellow F&C Workers and Happy New Year,

On behalf of the F&C leadership team for the 2008 Grand Prix of Houston, it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in what promises to be a fun and exciting experience. We have been hard at work planning this year's race event, and I believe that some key changes that have been made for the benefit of all F&C workers will make this race one of the most desireable to attend as a worker. Key changes for this year include:

  • A split shift schedule for Friday and Saturday which will shorten work (on station) time to 7 hours.
  • A worker party on Saturday evening with a hot meal provided.
  • Coffee, muffins, and donuts will be provided and available prior to the first corner worker meeting each morning.
  • An official Grand Prix of Houston event patch will be provided to all F&C workers.
  • Corner assignments will be published in advance of the event and captains will be encouraged to communicate via e-mail with team members.
  • Free hotel rooms will be provided to travelers of 50 miles or more, but will be assigned double occupancy and allocated on a first-come first serve basis. Space will be limited.
The key to success of our event this year will be YOUR participation. We Need YOU! Please read the attached call to workers letter and worker application form. I want to recognize Sydney Davis for doing such a fantastic job of editing the letter and creating the application form. This year's event will afford you more flexibility and options than you have probably seen in the past. You have the choice to work during the ChampCar and supporting race groups, or the ALMS and supporting race groups, or both (if you want to work 14 hour days on Friday and Saturday which I do not recommend). You may also choose to work the ALMS events on Friday and Saturday and join the same corner team on Sunday for the ChampCar race groups, or work ALMS on Friday and Saturday only and do what you wish on Sunday. The free grand stand ticket for all three days that will be provided to you again this year can be used by you when you are 'off duty' or it can be given away to someone else.

You may register online if you wish at:

Please be specific about your shift preference on page one of the application form by checking off your preference and providing written comments on the line provided. I need as many qualified/experienced captains and communicators as possible in order to adequately staff two shifts.

Finally, I want to make sure that everyone understands the experience prerequisite which is required to work F&C at the Grand Prix of Houston. A minimum race experience of two SCCA and/or PCA race weekends within the last calendar year is required. I am looking forward to this year's Grand Prix of Houston and to seeing all of you there! If you have any questions, please call me at (281) 415-6478.

Bryan Gregory
2008 GP of Houston Flag Chief